Environmental Risk Management Initiativefor
China’s Overseas Investment
Green Finance Committee(GFC) of China Society for Finance and Banking
Investment Association of China (IAC)
China BankingAssociation (CBA)
Asset ManagementAssociation of China (AMAC)
Insurance Asset Management Associationof China (IAMAC)
China Trustee Association (CTA)
Foreign Economic Cooperation Office(FECO) of Ministry of Environment Protection
2017 年9月5日
September 5, 2017
2017 年9月5日
Environmental Risk Management Initiativefor
China’s Overseas Investment
By improvingthe environmental riskmanagement of their overseas investments and by adopting responsible investmentprinciples, Chinese financial institutions and enterprises can significantlyaccelerate progress towards key sustainability goals, such as the ‘greening’ofthe Belt and Road (B&R) Initiative, the fulfilment the 2030 Agenda forSustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change, and theimplementation of the ‘Guidelines for Establishing the Green Financial System’enacted by the seven state ministries. To encourage and guide this effort byChinese financial institutions and enterprises, the following EnvironmentalRisk Management Initiative for China’s Overseas Investment has now been jointlylaunched, bythe Green Finance Committee (GFC) ofChina Society for Finance andBanking, Investment Association of China (IAC),China Banking Association (CBA),Asset Management Association of China (AMAC),Insurance Asset Management Association of China(IAMAC), China Trustee Association (CTA), and the Foreign EconomicCooperation Office (FECO) of the Ministry of Environment Protection.
I. Financial institutions and enterprises engaged inoverseas investment should fully understand the environmental laws, regulationsand standards of the host countries, as well as the key environmental risks fortheir projects. Financial institutions and enterprisesare encouraged tounderstand and analyze the host countries’ environmental laws, regulations,policies and standards,and to identify, assess, mitigate and manageenvironmental risks for their business activities within host countries. Theyshould also urge their partners to improve environmental performance.
II. Entitiesengaged in overseas investment should understand the environmental laws,regulations and standards for the specific sectors of their projects, as wellas the sector-specific environmental risks and mitigation approaches. Financial institutions and enterprises are encouraged to fully understandrelevant environmental standards both in China and in host countries, as wellas the prevailing international standards, and adopt the highest standard wherefeasible. They should conduct in-depth environmental due diligence, andmaintaina high level of vigilance for potential environmental impacts from industriessuch as mining, coal-firedpower, infrastructure, steel, cement, buildingmaterials, chemicals, and textile and dyeing. In addition, they should useenvironmental risk analysis tools to fully identify and assess potential impactson air, water, soil and forestry, and take steps to effectively manage suchrisks.
III. In making overseas investments, banks should refer torelevant international sustainability standards, and institutional investorsshould refer to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment. These institutions should take full account of ESG (environmental, socialand governance) factors during the investment decision-making process, as wellas during project implementation. They will also need to establish a soundinternal process for environmental risk management.This calls for categorizing and managing environmentalrisks according to appropriate risk levels, and conducting environmental andsocial due diligence needed to support credit and investment decision-making.Theyshould also jointly develop action plans with investees based on risksidentified during due diligence, and continouously monitor the implementationof action plans and client environmental performance after disbursement offunding.
IV. Entities engaged in overseas investment areencouraged to take steps to improve the disclosure of ESG information. Such steps could include actively engaging withenvironmental protection organizations, andusing information disclosure as a tool for improving project review andinternal management procedures. In keeping with relevant laws andregulations,financial institutions are encouragedto disclose information on proposed project profiles, the size of financing andthe environmental impact summary before the investment is made. Companies are encouraged to discloseenvironmentalimpact assessment reports in Englishor the local language prior to projectconstruction. Financial institutions and enterprises are also encouraged todisclose ESG information annually with reference to the standards of the GlobalReporting Initiative (GRI).Investment entities should clarify where theresponsibility for environmental information disclosure sits within theirorganization. Material information of projects that may involve majorenvironmental and social risks should be disclosed to investors, shareholdersand regulatory agencies. Financial institutions and enterprises are also encouragedto strengthen communications with key stakeholders.
V. Financial institutions should make full use ofresources and support available from their headquarters, as well as from internationalcapital market and third-party institutions, with a view to improvingtheir internalprocedures and capacity for environmental risk management in overseas branches. Financial institutionsshould have consistent approaches towards environmental risk management, and clearly defined roles and responsibilities fortheir headquarters and overseas branches.Headquarters need to guide overseas branches in:improving their lending practices and other business operations guidelines withrespect to environmental risk assessment; designing specific riskcategorization and convenants; improving environmental risk categorization; anddefining investee responsibilities. Headquarters of financial institutionsshould also provide regular training programs to build the capacity of their overseasbranches for green lending and investment.
VI. Entities engaged in overseas investment should improvethe use of quantitative analysis of the environmental costs and benefits aspart of the investment decision-making process.Financial institutions andenterprises are encouraged to quantify the environmental costs and benefits ofoverseas investment projects, including different types of pollutant discharge,energy consumption and water use, as abasis for decision-making. For different types of projects, appropriateevaluation indicators and assessmentmethods should be used. To ensure the applicability of the quantitativeanalysis, the calculation of environmental costs and benefits should take intoconsideration such factors as the host country’s level of technologydevelopment and environmental situation, while international standards shouldbe used as benchmarks where appropriate.
VII. Entities engaged in overseas investment areencouraged to use third-party service providers for assessing and managingenvironmental and social risks for major projects.During overseas investment activities, Chinese financialinstitutions and enterprises are encouraged to make full use of lawyers,environmental consultants, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), think tanks,and other professional service providers to understand the host countries’environmental laws and regulations. They should also carry out environmentalimpact assessments in accordance with local provisions and sector bestpractices, as well as identify and prevent environmental risks at the project,local and international level, and establish communication platforms withstakeholders. Enterprisesare encouraged to adopt multiple means of conflict management, including mediation,forsettling environment-related disputes.
VIII. Investment entities are encouraged to use greenfinance instruments for overseas projects, especiallymedium- and long-term infrastructure projects. Institutions investing overseasshould actively apply green finance instruments such as green bonds, green ABS,YieldCo, and emission rights-based financing tools, as well as financing fromgreen investment funds, to moblize capital for green projects, support thedevelopment of green finance market and green finance products, and strengthenenvironmental information disclosure and internal processes as required by theuse of green finance instruments. They should also engage third partyinstitutions (such as green rating, green index, and green certificationagencies) to help strengthen project environmental risk management.
IX. Enterprises engaged in overseasinvestment are encouraged to use environmental liability insurance as a riskmanagement tool for projects with high environmental risk.Enterprises should seek toleverage insurancecompanies’ capacity for mitigating environmental risks and reducing theprobability of environmental accidents.They should also abide by the insurancerequirements of host countries on environmental pollution liability in highenvironmental risk sectors (such as mining, petroleum, chemicals, andtransportation of hazardous materials), and actively use environmentalliability insurance provided by international insurers to manage potentiallegal and financial risks caused by environmental accidents. China's insurance institutionsshould actively participate in the "Belt and Road" initiative bydeveloping environmental liability insurance products for overseas investmentprojects, and play an active role in monitoring and encouraging enterprises toreduce environmental risks in overseas investment.
X. Green supply chain management should be adopted inproject design and initiation, project bidding, and in the procurement of rawmaterials and equipment procurement for large overseas infrastructure projects.This will help promote green operations for suppliersof raw materials, equipment and services.Under the green procurement principles, a greenbidding process should be exploredfor contractors for project management,engineering contracts, project operations and maintenance, as well as rawmaterials and equipment, and green procurement of office suppliersshould beimplemented. Voluntary initiatives on green supply chain are also encouraged inareas such as the development of ‘white lists’for green supply chain materialsand equipment, the release of green supply chain performance indices, and theimprovement of transparency and information connectivity in relation to the greensupply chain.
XI. Financialinstitutions should take steps to ‘green’trade finance and supply chain finance. This can help reducefinancing costs and improving access to finance forgreen suppliers. Financial institutions should carry out their risk management effortsbased on ‘green features’ of suppliers, with a view to supportingandencouraging green suppliers.They can guidecustomers to strengthen their environmentand social risk management with respect to supply chain management, which willin turn help promote a green transformation of their businesses. Financialinstitutions can also actively developinnovative financial products andservices that will facilitate the greening of all steps in the process: the supplychain, production, procurement and consumption.
XII. The Green Finance Committee (GFC)of China Society for Finance and Banking and Investment Association of China (IAC),together with China Banking Association (CBA), Asset Management Association ofChina (AMAC), Insurance Asset Management Association of China (IAMAC),China Trustee Association (CTA), the Foreign Economic Cooperation Office(FECO) of the Ministry of Environment Protection and other industrial associationsand institutionswill provide more capacity building services in the area of environmental riskmanagement for financial institutions and enterprises investing overseas. The green financeservice platform, supported by relevant industry associations, will carry outmany activities to facilitate these efforts, such as: organizing training programs on green investment and financing;developing case studies on greening overseas investment and environmental riskmanagement manuals; developing a website for the “Belt & Road”environmental risk management; and improving information sharing among investors. Industryassociations should also provide guidance on engagement with the internationalcommunity, NGOs and stakeholders, and to establish quality communicationchannels for China’s financial institutions and enterprises.
Green FinanceCommittee (GFC) of China Society for Finance and Banking
InvestmentAssociation of China (IAC)
China BankingAssociation (CBA)
Asset ManagementAssociation of China (AMAC)
Insurance AssetManagement Association of China (IAMAC)
China TrusteeAssociation (CTA)
ForeignEconomic Cooperation Office (FECO) of Ministry of Environment Protection
September5, 2017